Friday, June 15, 2012

Rum and Sweet Sweet Cereal

Avocado and fresh salsa are an obvious complement worth having with a meal.

Avocado and honey are wonderful together with breakfast, I'd probably enjoy that any day.

Reese's Puffs and a splash of rum are surprisingly enjoyable too, but I'd advise doing so in moderation or for pastry purposes only.

No, I don't drink excessively, I had less than a teaspoonful of rum.  My roommate makes a lot of tinctures and uses a lot of vodka (sometimes rum too) precisely because of their high alcohol content.  Since he keeps all of it atop the fridge, I couldn't resist combining the two.

Reese's puffs fall under what I consider is a category of "dessert cereals"--you can eat part of your complete breakfast, starting with a bland granola/shredded wheat cereal, move on to some heavier fair like eggs and toast, and then finish off with something like Reese's Puffs or Count Chocula.  Voila!  A three course breakfast.  But don't be fooled by the marketing, you can have the sweet cereal at the end of any meal.

For other similar combinations: a touch of Disaronno or Bailey's and ice cream are wonderful too.  I think this affinity for a combination of sweet with grains and alcohol comes from birthday cakes by my mum which were baked with grand mariner when I was much younger.

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